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I have received info that says this clock was made by Berger & Würker in Leipzig. Checking Schmid's "Lexikon", page 25 there is an entry as follows:Uhrenfabrik Berger & WürkerBerger & Würker KGFounded 1885, closed 1967Located at Katharinenstr. 22, LeipzigA trademark showing B.W.L. in a kind of seal is shown, also a goddess on wings with a gear at the center of the wings, letters BW underneath.On page 374 (loosely translated from the German text):===================================The company was created by Rudolf Louis Berger and Otto Heinrich Richard Würker on 01.01.1885 and was well-known as a wholesaler for clocks, clock components and clockmakers' tools. The company also worked in gold and silver goods and cutlery. Their own clock manufacturing was already operated in the 80's. Besides "fantasy" alarm clocks also dwelling clocks of all kinds were manufactured. Since also clocks in the English style were made, these were sent for export to England. Around 1880's regular announcements of Berger & Würker appeared in Austrian clockmaker trade magazines.In the year 1893 R. Würker retired, after which O. Berger led the company up to the year 1904 alone; then he withdrew likewise from reasons of age. Rudolf Berger followed him to chair the company. In 1905 it was advertised in announcements the availability of a guard's time clock after their own patent. In 1913 the Saxon state prize was awarded to the company on an exhibit. In extensive trade they exported before the first World War clocks such as Paris Pendulen, traveling alarm clock, as well as clocks of the company Furtwängler and records and gramophone devices.It is not well known how the company passed the war years. It is to be assumed however with the war the clock manufacturing was stopped. In the 20's Berger & Würker became specialized, by 1933 working only as clock wholesaler, also for Schwarzwalder clocks, and in announcements as a general representative for high-quality Kienzle clocks. In 1948 Berger & Würker converted into a limited partnership (KG) and in 1967 was deleted from the Register of Companies.===================================It isn't known if B&W issued any sales catalogs, but there may be advertisements and other information in the DUZ or AJU that has not yet been documented.