ผู้เขียน หัวข้อ: D.R.P. กับ D.R.G.M.  (อ่าน 9698 ครั้ง)

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D.R.P. กับ D.R.G.M.
« เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 01, 2011, 11:17:35 PM »
พี่ๆ หลายๆ ท่านคงจะเคยเห็นสองคำนี้ D.R.P. กับ D.R.G.M. ปั๊มหรือพิมพ์อยู่ตามตัวเครื่องหรืออะไหล่ของนาฬิกาบางชิ้นส่วน รวมถึงอุปกรณ์เครื่องใช้ชนิดๆ อื่นๆ กันนะครับ บ้างก็จะนึกว่าเป็นชื่อยี่ห้อของมัน แต่จริงๆ แล้วมันจะเหมือนการประกาศการจดสิทธิบัตรกับลิขสิทธิ์ของสินค้าชิ้นนั้นๆ นะครับ แต่สองคำนี้จะแตกต่างอย่างไร ผมขอยกเอาคำอธิบายจากเว็บฝรั่งทั้งดุ้นนะครับ เพราะส่วนตัวผมเองความรู้เกี่ยวกับทางด้านพวกนี้ไม่ค่อยจะมี กลัวจะสื่อสารผิดๆ ไปน่ะครับ  ;D
ติดต่อ เซฟ Tel: 089-661-9160 Line ID: Suparchoek

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Re: D.R.P. กับ D.R.G.M.
« ตอบกลับ #1 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 01, 2011, 11:19:34 PM »
D.R.P. and D.R.G.M.

The acronym D.R.G.M. with or without punctuation stands for Deutsches Reichsgebrauchsmuster, meaning that the design or function of an item was officially registered inside all of the Germany states and not only locally registered as it was the case before the introduction of centralized registration. Note that many people quote this acronym as standing for Deutsches Reich Gebrauchsmuster, which is grammatically wrong and also omits the letter 's' after Reich. This results in shifting the weight of pronunciation on 'Deutsches Reich' alone, but this acronym has nothing to do with the Third Reich as many sellers want to imply so to catch the attention of certain 'collectors'.  (German Reich Registered Design)

The D.R.G.M. signifies "Deutsches Reichsgebrauchsmuster" and is a design or use patent somewhat similar a "Registered" mark that provides an initial three years protection extendable for another three years to six maximum.  D.R.G.M. registration was introduced and were first issued starting in 1891.  However, if you are dating items you should hold in mind that even during Allied occupation up until 1949, registration procedures remained untouched and still used the D.R.G.M. registration documents, which of course explains why D.R.G.M. marks can be found on products actually manufactured up until 1952 as the registration itself was valid for three years. As from the end of October 1952, all registrations were definately marked with 'Deutsches Bundesgebrauchsmuster' (D.B.G.M.) or simply with 'Gebrauchsmuster' or 'Gebrauchsmusterschutz'.

As already noted, the D.R.G.M. registration offered a basic copyright protection for the duration of three years and included the right to indicate the item status by marking the registered items with the D.R.G.M. acronym. It was left to the registration owner to include the registration number as the D.R.G.M. marking alone was the element with legal character. The actual result of such a registration (the form of protection) was called Gebrauchsmusterschutz.

D.R.G.M. registered products were protected either for their way of intended use or design only and this did not include patent protection. Patent rights were secured by applying for a Deutsches Reichspatent (D.R.P.), so even if many people use the term 'D.R.G.M-Patent' it is factually wrong. Reason for this mix-up was that the D.R.G.M. registration in colloquial language was also known as 'kleines Reichspatent' which literally stands for 'small Imperial patent' but actually was meant as 'poor people's patent' and made fun of the fact that many manufacturers could not afford the fees needed to register a full patent. One should take into count that German patent registration fees (as was openly criticized during the year 1906) where two and a half times higher than in England - and 36 (!!!) times higher than in the US.

The acronym D.R.P. with or without punctuation stands for Deutsches Reichspatent which literally means 'German imperial patent'.  Note that many people quote this acronym as standing for "Deutsche Reich Patent", an original and full patent with up to 15 years protection.

Such a patent registration was based on the 'Reichspatentgesetz' (German imperial patent law) which had been verified by the German authorities on May 25th 1877 after a long and hard struggle to introduce a set of rules and regulations since the first ideas for such a law had been discussed by the Prussian Borad of Trade back in July 1853. Even if it had taken 24 years for the German authorities to set it up, it's introduction was on extreme short notice as it was declared operational as from July 1st 1877, a mere month after its verification.

Of course such a unified patent law was quite spectacular at that time and so one would believe that the first patent itself would have been something special. But the first 'Reichspatent' was very unspectacular and was issued on the name of Joh. Zeltner who owned the 'Nürnberger Ultramarinfabrik' and had patented his method of synthetically manufacturing Ultramarine, a coloring substance that is still used even today. Patent 532 by the way was issued to Nikolaus August Otto and describes an extremely peculiar device named the 'Otto engine' - which of course is the anchestor of todays car engines.

It should be noted that many manufacturers could not afford the fees needed to register for a full patent. One should take into count that German patent registration fees (as was openly criticized during the year 1906) where two and a half times higher than in England - and 36 (!!!) times higher than in the US.

Source: http://www.assistedknife.com/index.cfm/fa/subcategories.main/parentcat/26847/subcatid/80975
« แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้าย: สิงหาคม 01, 2011, 11:21:24 PM โดย suparchw »
ติดต่อ เซฟ Tel: 089-661-9160 Line ID: Suparchoek

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Re: D.R.P. กับ D.R.G.M.
« ตอบกลับ #2 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 01, 2011, 11:28:52 PM »
ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมจาก: http://ecodeltempo.altervista.org/modules.php?name=WatchMaker&op=show&rid=9023

The following tables show approximate dates for the DRP and DRGM numbers. The table was compiled from tables in the articles in the Clocks magazine. However as the difference in time from the DRP or DRGM being issued and when the article was available to the publiccould be several years, I have ruduced th information to 5 year 'slots'. It must be remebered that the date given below is the earliest possible date that the item could have been manufactured, not the actual date of manufacture of the article.

1891 - 2056
1895 - 49316
1900 - 144790
1905 - 266693
1910 - 445285
1915 - 640793
1920 - 761167
1925 - 933595
1930 - 1152262
1935 - 1358462
1940 - 1495080
1944 - 1538970

1877 - 3411
1880 - 15416
1885 - 34234
1890 - 55109
1895 - 84731
1900 - 116997
1905 - 167075
1910 - 229496
1915 - 289455
1920 - 331398
1925 - 423264
1930 - 515098
1935 - 623205
1940 - 700197
1945 - 759516    
ติดต่อ เซฟ Tel: 089-661-9160 Line ID: Suparchoek

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Re: D.R.P. กับ D.R.G.M.
« ตอบกลับ #3 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 01, 2011, 11:30:53 PM »

หลังสงครามโลกครั้งที่ 2 เปลี่ยนเป็น DBP กับ DBGM เนื่องจากคำว่า Reich เป็น Bund ครับ

ที่มา: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolleicord
ติดต่อ เซฟ Tel: 089-661-9160 Line ID: Suparchoek

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Re: D.R.P. กับ D.R.G.M.
« ตอบกลับ #4 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 01, 2011, 11:32:36 PM »

DRP No.102453
ติดต่อ เซฟ Tel: 089-661-9160 Line ID: Suparchoek

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Re: D.R.P. กับ D.R.G.M.
« ตอบกลับ #5 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 01, 2011, 11:34:38 PM »

อันนี้ก็ใช่ D.R.P.
ติดต่อ เซฟ Tel: 089-661-9160 Line ID: Suparchoek

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Re: D.R.P. กับ D.R.G.M.
« ตอบกลับ #6 เมื่อ: สิงหาคม 01, 2011, 11:35:37 PM »

รอยสักที่บั้นท้ายนาฬิกาปลุกไขลานยุคต้น 1900  ;D
ติดต่อ เซฟ Tel: 089-661-9160 Line ID: Suparchoek

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